May 6, 2021

Modern Farming

After learning about non-regular tessellation patterns, I found myself deep-diving into the luscious world of Neo-geo

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Exploring the Branding applications of Neo-Geo!

After learning about non-regular tessellation patterns, I found myself deep diving into the luscious world of Neo-geo. Regular gridded patterns and designs combined to create a coherent whole. To get to grips with this, I created a Neo-Geo style grid from a simple image and worked it into a Branding concept.


The most interesting part was not the creation of the initial farm house image, but of the way the modules could be rearranged to create something even more impressive. With each iteration I was able to create more poignant and simpler messages using less and less tiles. Eventually creating the 4 grid logo. Though the 3 grid concepts must be my favourite. The way the image seems to stretch out of the tile feels very modern.