Beta UK had a tall order, or rather a wide one. Design for a 20m exhibition graphic. This project involved a lot of software skills and careful interpretation of Branding Guidelines.
BetaUK contacted me to help them with a new asset needed for an upcoming trade-show. A 20m banner, made to very detailed specifications, with sponsors and brand guidelines being meticulously considered. The British Educational Travel Association (BETA) was established in 2003 as a not for profit membership association and now represents some of the biggest and best-known businesses in the youth, student and educational travel industry.
Create a 20m banner from the specifications given, with a unique visual that is still in line with branding guidelines. Plus 10 end table signs, one for each sponsor. Presented in a way as to be clear and accessible.
To use a variety of software to achieve an effective end result. Using Photoshop for the photo adjustments, illustrator for dimensions and accuracy, and Blender for a 3D mock-up.
BetaUK sent me all the files I would need promptly. I read over the brand guidelines twice before starting, and created a pixel perfect grid in Illustrator to ensure the final product was ready to print. I scaled down the document to 1/11 in size so as to allow easy transfer.
An exchange with the printer helped me get my document settings to their preference.
After creating a photo collage from images that were brand relevant, BetaUK requested a small change to the scenery to include a UK landmark that wasn't London-centric. I chose the angel of the north (not only because I studied in Newcastle). The logo was used as an abstract shape to breakup the gradient.
I then created a 3D render of the final environment in Blender to give an accurate feeling of the end result. Compared to the live photo the client provided I was very satisfied by the accuracy and likeness. The image was rendered with Eevee rather than Cycles to minimise the file size.